Japanese-style meal

秋の和食をいただく夫婦2人ご飯 l キッチンで感じる秋の始まり l 40代主婦の日常 l Dinner for two couples eating Japanese food in autumn



●サーモンといくらと鯛の海鮮丼 → 尾形アツシ / ヒビ粉引洋鉢
●茄子の海老しんじょ挟み揚げ → 尾形アツシ / ヒビ粉引6寸皿
●豆腐ときのこのすまし汁 → 尾形アツシ / 刷毛目フリーカップ
●日本酒 → ホルムガード / 足付アンティークグラス

 農口尚彦 有機米使用 純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒 2019 (石川県 / 株式会社農口尚彦研究所)


Little by little, we are starting to feel autumn in the kitchen and at the dinner table.
Many delicious ingredients will be available in the coming season, so much so that we call it the “taste of autumn”.
At this time of year, which is perfect for the beginning of the still hot autumn season, we have created a Japanese food menu that is refreshing and also feels like autumn.
We hope you will find it useful!
We also have an important announcement from Life with Tableware.
Please read to the end.

🌟Official mail order “Life with Utsuwa” sales 🌟
 Artist Atsushi Ogata's web solo exhibition will start on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 18:00!
 In conjunction with this, the coordinating set of Kohiki and Hakeme used in this video will also go on sale.
 Please come and take a look.
 *Postings on the sales website will be updated according to the start date and time of sales.
 *Member registration is required for all purchases.
  Therefore, it is recommended that you register as a member prior to the start of sales to facilitate your purchase.
 *For any other inquiries, please contact us from the Contact Us page on the website.

🍽Dishes and Plates of the Day
*Seafood bowl with salmon, salmon roe and sea bream → Atsushi Ogata / Hibi Kohiki Western-style bowl
*Deep-fried eggplant with prawn shinjyo → Atsushi Ogata / Hibi Kohiki 6” dish
*Tofu and mushroom soup → Atsushi Ogata / Brush Pattern free cup
*Sake → Holmgard / Antique glass with feet

🍶Today's sake
 Naohiko Noguchi's Organic Rice Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-Ginjo 2019 (Ishikawa Prefecture / Naohiko Noguchi Research Inc.)

#丁寧な暮らし #暮らし #40代主婦の日常 #utsuwa #cooking #vlog #料理動画 #和食 #秋の和食 #秋 #秋の味覚 #晩御飯 #dinner

-Japanese-style meal

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